


A new kind of video mapping projection tool developed by maybites over the course of 2 years and applied in large scale projects around the globe, the current version has now a userfriendly interface and built in softedge functionality. Based on the MaxMSP Framework.



source - see doku

The code for the interactive facade installation that allows people to interact with their mobilephone. Developed in eclipse, based on the framework.



source - see doku

The code for an interactive mediawall installation. Its a swarm simulation that can be influenced by dynamic energyfields and kinect, and thus creating different scenografical experiences over time. Developed in eclipse, based on the framework.

Natebu Two

source - see doku

Arduino Source-Code. The code is for the natebu two board, with some tricks on getting low latency, high framerates and filtering out environment influences during the measurment process